SIPPs fees and charges

SIPP fees and charges vary from provider to provider. Active management of your pension investments will invariably result in higher fees.

The main SIPPs fees and charges include:

  • Set-up fee – This can cost up to 500 € to establish
  • Annual management fee – This is an annual charge that can vary between 500 € to 1,000 € depending on the provider.
  • Dealing charges – Each time you buy and sell an investment you pay a fee. This can be up to 15 € per trade.

Overseas Transfer Charge

One of the attractions of a SIPP over a QROPS relates to the Overseas Transfer Charge. There is a 25% tax on transfers if you live outside Europe. In general, residents of Europe/European Economic Area (EEA) countries are exempt from this charge on pension transfers. This may change now that Britain has left the EU.