Free Sipps Guide

Why choose an International SIPP rather than a QROPS?

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Lower core fees

QROPS allow you to invest your pension and take income and benefits in a currency of your choice.
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Avoid the 25% Overseas Transfer Charge (OTC)

A transfer received from a UK registered scheme is not considered to be an overseas pension transfer. There are therefore no OTC consequences for non-EEA based clients
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Protect your pension assets upon death

100% death benefits available in the SIPP where death of a Member occurs before age 75 (if a Member dies after age 75 the income tax liability for a nominated beneficiary might be offset where a valid DTT exists).

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All of our Pension Guides are designed to help you make the right decisions for your retirement. We are available for a free consultation if you need further advice

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AXIS Financial Consultants are a fully authorised
“Courtier d’Assurance” in France, ORIAS reg. no. 17 003 701