We are available for either ‘telephone’ or ‘face-to-face’ consultations via Skype or Zoom.
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Pension transfer advice for UK expats and UK residents
We are available for either ‘telephone’ or ‘face-to-face’ consultations via Skype or Zoom.
AXIS Financial Consultants are a team of Overseas Pensions experts helping expats make the best financial decisions about their retirement.
The contents of this website are for educational and information purposes only. No part of this website is to be considered as an offer, inducement or recommendation to invest.
AXIS Financial Consultants are a fully authorised “Courtier d’Assurance” in France, ORIAS reg. no. 17 003 701
They are also authorised to act as a “Financial Investment Advisor “, referenced under the number E009199 by the association ANACOFI-CIF and approved by the Financial Markets Authority in France.
Registered address:
374 Avenue de la Gaule, Ile de la Dérivation
78955 Carrieres Sous Poissy, France
Tel: 00 33 1 39 70 98 54
Co. reg: R.C.S. Versailles 824 686 968